You said
1. Drag your original layer over to the Channels Dialog and drop it,
creating a new channel.
In your video, when you drag the image from the layer dock up to the
channels dock your cursor has a '+' sign inside the
|+ ... when I do it I have no plus sign and when the channels dock opens
and I drop the dragged item just disappears without raising a new channel.
I'm using 2.6.6 on Windows XP. I tried modifier keys Shift and Ctrl and
Shift+Ctrl just in case but can't get the '+' sign to appear in the
cursor and more importantly can't get the auto-creation of a new channel.
Is this a bug or is there something I'm missing? wrote:
Quoting paperaussie <>:
Can any experienced Gimp users tell me how the process described in Ron
Bigelow's article can be reproduced in Gimp most efficiently?
The following link is to a short screen capture of how that might be
done in GIMP I use a similar technique quite often when adjusting
highlights and shadows. There is no sound but the video should be easy
to follow (I apologize for the jumpy pointer; my optical mouse died
and I had to use a trackball). (OGG Theora 2.7Mb)
1. Drag your original layer over to the Channels Dialog and drop it,
creating a new channel.
2. Hide the channel by clicking on its "eyeball" icon.
3. Return to the Layers Dialog.
4. Duplicate your original layer and increase its gamma using the
Levels filter.
5. Add a layermask to the duplicate layer, initializing it to the
inverted channel produced by Step 1.
6. Add a bit of Gaussian blur to the layermask (optional).
7. Adjust the opacity of the duplicate layer to obtain desired result.
Step 4 is not necessary if you already have an "overexposed" version
of the original layer (created from a HDR RAW file), as was the case
in the tutorial you linked to.
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Regards ... Alec (bura...@gmail & WinLiveMess - alec.m.burg...@skype)
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