> > How do I upgrade to v 2.6.x of Gimp on Ubuntu?
> I don't think you are going to be able to do this.
> To do so requires a number of updated libraries, glib,gtk, babl and
> gegl are 4 off the top of my head and I am pretty sure the 8.04
> repositories wont hold these.
> You can do it by building your own libraries from the sources, but I
> guess you don't want to do that

I'm building GIMP 2.6 on Ubuntu 8.04 and it's really no big deal.
You don't need the whole gtk+ chain -- the ones installed on 8.04
are fine. You do need babl and gegl and there are a couple minor
gotchas there.

I have the complete list of packages you'll need here:

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