On Monday 25 August 2008, John Christopher wrote:
> I am using Gimp 2.4.5 on Windows XP pro.
> I have about 1,000 multi-page TIFF files I must edit.
> I only want to edit the first page of each file (I must
> delete some text from the first page of each document)
> and then save it.
> What is the best way to solve this problem?  I have
> tried this:
> I right-click on the file on the Windows desktop, then select
> "Edit with Gimp".  Gimp's "Import from TIFF" dialog is
> displayed.  I click the "Select All" button.  Now, I must
> choose either "Open pages as layers" or "Open pages as images".
> If I select "Open pages as layers", the last page of the
> document is displayed.  How do I display the first page?
> If I select "Open pages as images", each page is displayed
> in its own window.  I can then edit the first page, but if
> I save, only the first page gets saved.  How do I save ALL
> the pages, and in the same page number order as the original
> TIFF file?
> Is there a better way to accomplish my goal?

Unlkess yiu really need to hand-paint each image, at 1000 pages it 
would be worht writing an specific program to deal with them. SInce 
you have "GIMP inplace, instead of a full porgrma, a gimp script 
propbably would suficce.  Depending on your intent with the first 
pages, a script for that could be written in weel under an hour, and 
a modern desktop could jhandle your 1000 files in couple of hours.

But..for your infrmatiom, what you are missing is the way to 
handle "layers" in GIMP: 
weh you "open as layers" each of the image's pages is placed in a 
sepoarate layer - that is, they behave exactly like pages stacked one 
on top of the others.  To be able to ciycle trhough the layers and 
view different ones, you have to looka t the layers dialog 
(Dialogs->layers, or just hit ctrl + l)
Open an image as layers, play a ittle withthe eye icons, and rrows, 
and layer selection - you should figure out how they work.

And tehn, unless your changes absoltuely can't be automated, get back 
to the list asking for advice on a script to do what you need.


> Thanks for your help.
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