On Monday 25 August 2008, John Culleton wrote: > I would guess that 95% of Gimp users are effectively monoglots. > They only use Gimp with reference to a single language. That said, > it would speed up configure and compile time if there was a switch > that specified the language to be used at that site. The > compile/install time and disk space needed for the many > alternatives could be eliminated. > > Just my thought for today.
Yes, but 98% of them, like - peple who download gimp for windows, or Linux distribution users, fetch GIMP from a unified binary source (either the gimp-windows binaries, or linux distribution binaries) , and these builds must be multilingual. Your change would "benefit" the 2% whou buld gimp from source,a nd even that is dobutfull - I myself use it alternatibvely in English and Portuguese. So... it is actually easier if you simply erase the .mo s you donį¹« want at the end of the make step. js -><- _______________________________________________ Gimp-user mailing list Gimp-user@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user