
On Thu, 2007-11-15 at 16:19 -0500, John Culleton wrote:

> I want the PostScript offset setups to default to zero, or alternatively a 
> way 
> to store my prference for offsets, not just for the current document but for 
> any document.  The default offsets of 0.5 cm are hard coded in Gimp. As I 
> said before I have tracked down the code and changed that program module in 
> the past. But each new release I would have to do the same thing. And Gimp 
> compiles are very lengthy.  I just ask for someone to change the code in the 
> repository one time. 

That is not going to happen. The current defaults are fine for many

What will happen at some point is that all plug-ins will provide
functionality that allows the user to change the default values and save
them. Some work has already been done to allow this, but further
development is needed. 


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