That's great, thanks.

Bought the book, by the way. Very useful even though I've been using Gimp  
for quite a long time now.


On Sat, 03 Nov 2007 18:00:18 -0000, Akkana Peck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> Thomas Worthington writes:
>> > Is there any way to get the print dialog in 2.4 to work like the old
>> > Gimp-Print one? The new one is hopeless: doesn't list my printers  
>> (which
> norman writes:
>> that I haven't yet got Gimp 2.4.1 installed as there is nothing yet for
>> non-techies using Ubuntu. However, according to the image in Akkana
>> Peck's book it looks the same as in earlier versions of Gimp as does the
>> page in Gimp 2.4 rc3.
> The new GTK print system wasn't introduced into GIMP until after
> "Beginning GIMP" went to press, so the dialogs shown in the book are the
> Gutenprint ones, not the new default print dialog that comes from GTK.
>> > I assume that the print dialog in 2.4 is a placeholder for soemthing  
>> else
>> > but I don't know what. Should I be using Gutenprint now?
> You can still get the Gutenprint plug-in from the project's web site
> -- or you may be able to
> install it as part of your distro. Ubuntu Gutsy seems to install
> Gutenprint by default, instead of the gtk print plug-in, but I don't
> know what other distros are doing with 2.4. You can have both
> installed -- they'll show up in the File menu as "Print" and "Print
> with Gutenprint".
> I use Gutenprint myself, because of the control it gives me over
> resolution, paper type, and placement on the page, its live preview,
> and because GTK print is still a bit buggy; but GTK's print has
> improved quite a bit recently, so it may yet become usable.

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