i used to teach in a college setting but in a non-art dept.  the commercial
art courses were all given with adobe products.  this was good from one
standpoint, i.e. that the students would be using the programs that an ad
agency or similar would be using.  It was bad from the standpoint though
that most of the students could not afford all of these adobe products on
their own.  This meant that as they were taking these courses, they had to
get all their work done on either their classroom computers or the library's
computers.  They could not work on their projects at home.  These projects
were very time consuming.  Ideally, they were also the logical jumping off
point for the student to do a great deal of experimentation.  However, you
weren't going to do much experimenting in the classroom or library if you'd
already put in hours and hours of work in fairly uncomfortable circumstances
of sitting in the typical classroom or library chair.  If you are a student
with a fair amount  of discretionary income for school supplies, you can
solve this problem by buying the student versions of the adobe programs.  If
you are a student who is  financially hard pressed from semester to
semester, the GIMP gives you a creative  experimenting opportunity otherwise
not available to you.  I should  add that the instructors cannot tell, when
looking at your completed project, what program you did it on.  They are
looking at the end result only.  If your end result is A material, it
doesn't matter what you did it on.  This is also where originality of idea
pays off more than flexing your muscles with the hardest techniques.  It is
NOT GOOD if your work looks like everyone else's and that is the great
weakness of digital art straight across the board (largely because of the
overemphasis on technique over idea).  The instructors don't care about
anything but the artistic merit of the results.  If I were the student, I'd
just go home and do the art work on the Gimp where I could have all my
comforts around me for the days and days of long hours needed to produce the
art work.  you could do some of the art work in the classroom in photoshop
and then store it online before you left so you could pick it up at home.


On 10/2/07, gimp_user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Monday 01 October 2007 16:09:23 jim feldman wrote:
> > Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> > > * Greg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [10-01-07 13:29]
> > >
> > >> In any event, from what you've told me, GIMP may not be the right
> tool
> > >> for me at this time.  I want to retain all my bits.  So until GIMP
> > >> natively supports 12-bits or higher, I'm gonna have to stick to
> > >> Photoshop for now.
> > >
> > > Then you need to abandon the jpeg format as it is lossey (google for
> > > it) and you need to shoot RAW.
> >
> > True for all DSLR's (I think), but some better P&S's also can produce
> > TIFF's which uses a lossless compression (actually being pedantic) as
> > sort of pseudo raw format.
> >
> > For me at least, the big reasons for PS CS over gimp are the following:
> >  - The plugins.  For the pro/semi pro shooter, there are  just way too
> > many very cool plugins for PS.  Everything from Noise-Ninja to lens
> > distortion corrections to some very interesting portrait tools to
> > virtual view camera adjustments (more than just perspective correction).
> >  - Integration with the color "spiders" and CMS
> >  - 8/24 vs 16/48 - This is at least on the horizon for GIMP
> >
> > In GIMP's defense, many (if not the vast majority) of digital
> > photographers will have no need of these features.  Even if by some
> > magic they were available, few would use them because of the cost or
> > complexity.  It's a good tool.  I use it a great deal myself, and I
> > wouldn't hesitate to use it to teach an "into to digital darkroom"
> > course.  The exception would be, for students who were on a professional
> > photographer track.
> >
> > jim
> I think this approach is a sound one because using gimp students can,
> given a
> computer and internet access, get to know about digital processes without
> committing themselves to the expense of purchasing PS. They can find out
> whether they feel able to assimilate and use digital imaging processes
> because so many of the techniques remain the same. However there is no
> way,
> given the gimnps currently available tools set one I would feel confident
> recomending it to students for professional processing or for working
> collaboratively with other professionals in the industry. I wish this were
> not the case but until Gimp development reaches reaches the right level
> that
> is the way it is.
> There is also the problem of non-destructive editing which cannot be
> advanced
> until Gimp has the tools to handles raw files  rather than relying upon
> conversions using an external tool set..
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