"TERRY REECE" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said on Sep 01, 2007 7:02 -0400
(in part):
In any case, if you think you have a design, illustration, poster, or
artwork you think is award quality, think about submitting it. You'll
get to
see what others are doing and receive valuable feedback from our expert
judges. You could say that this your chance to grab your fifteen
minutes of
fame, and have something to brag about back at the office.
Entries to the STC Washington, DC Chapter Technical Communications
Competitions must be submitted on or before 16 October 2007. For more
details, go to the link below
Terry, I browsed around above site. Are winners/entries from previous
years viewable somewhere on it? If so, I couldn't find the right links
to click :-(
Regards ... Alec -- buralex-gmail
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