On Tue, 7 Aug 2007 16:39:00 -0400
"Bhavin Suthar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello All,
> I was evaluating GIMP and found below article about Adobe and GIMP
> http://www.labnol.org/internet/pictures/adobe-photoshop-vs-gimp-for-serious-photographers/920/
> I was mainly concerned about below statements
> ===
> If you use Photoshop to create artwork for print, then you can forget about
> replacing it with GIMP for now, as GIMP supports only RGB colour. CMYK
> support is due to be added, but for now it's not available.
> So can free software really compete with Photoshop? For the vast majority of
> ordinary users the short answer is certainly 'yes'. However, for graphics
> professionals — that is, Photoshop's target market — the answer has to be a
> resounding 'no'.
> Link<http://reviews.zdnet.co.uk/software/contentcreation/0,1000001068,39288136-1,00.htm>

1. You can get a Gimpl Plug-in for cmyk, try 

2. Do you really need to make cmyk plates? 

> Can someone tell me the truth behind this? Does this also mean that if you
> write text on image (like your jpeg Canon photos) then they can't be printed
> properly?

3. Well what happened when you tried? Does your canon printer print rgb images? 
Then that rgb image with added text is still an rgb image!

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