2007 m. gegužė 15 d., antradienis 12:53, David Hodson rašė:
> > In short, I'm looking for a tool, plug-in etc. which
> > collects all isles of a selection up to a certain size
> > (specified by maximum diameter or number of pixels) and
> > subtracts them from the selection.
> It would probably be easier to clean up the image before making the
> selection. Have you experimented with the various non-linear filters?
> I'd try [Filters/Generic/]Erode followed by Dilate (or maybe the other
> way around), or [Filters/Enhance/]Despeckle or [Filters/Emhance/]NL Filter.

What I do to eliminate isles. Select with Z, or Shift+O, then increase 
selection, lets say, by 3px, then decrease by the same amount. All isles 
smaller than 2x selection increase are selected.
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