Anthony Ettinger wrote:
> On 1/22/07, Anthony Ettinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 1/22/07, Scott Bicknell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On Monday 22 January 2007 4:46 am, Anthony Ettinger wrote:
>>>> I've been through this before, I usually just change the bg of
>>>> the image to the one i'm using, but  with #99cc00; as my body
>>>> bg, I cannot for the life of me, save that same color.
>>> I'm trying to figure out what you are talking about. I created an
>>> image and filled it with the color you specified, then saved it
>>> as a png. No problem. I opened it in Gimp to see if there is
>>> some problem with that color in png's and Gimp. Again, no
>>> problem. Can you describe exactly what you are doing and point
>>> to an example?
>> Create an html page with background-color of #9c0; then do the same
>> with the image in GIMP, and save as PNG.
>> I'm seeing color variation.
> I made a test case:

I see no problem at all on XP with FF2, Opera 9 or IE7, they all look 
fine on your page (i.e. same colour for image and backgoround). However, 
I remember I had a similar problem many years ago with a Macintosh. I 
think it was related to Gamma correction. Apples had (and probably still 
have) a different gamma setting, and this was creating a difference then 
(probably because my PNG did not contain the Gamma information then).
Check that your PNG contains the Gamma information, and that your 
browsers can use it.

Best regards,


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