I had this same issue a few days ago...

You have a few options:
There is a color history in the "Standard Colors Dialog" - This is the 
window that pops up when you click the foreground/background in the 
toolbox. It's the boxes in the lower right corner... If you don't have 
the fg/bg enabled in the toolbox you can get to it by File > Preferences 
 > Toolbox > Show Foreground/Background...

Other Options:
You could: Use the foreground/background as storage areas, but your 
limited to only two colors...

You could: Create a palette to use temporarily, and store your colors 

You could: Create a temporary "color storage layer", and paint small 
areas that you could pick from with the eye dropper...

It would be nice if the color history was quicker to use... I submitted 
an idea/request here: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=383083 
but it ended up being a solution that wasn't in-line with the way the 
developers are moving... Maybe someone else can offer some other 
suggestions to improve this functionality...
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