I have never tried it but you might want to take a different approach:
 - use css to hide your image
 - use css to show a text link

The dojo toolkit might be able to accomplish this.  Go to the website
http://dojotoolkit.org/ click in the menu on "See in action" and then on
the catagorie "effects".


> I have a simple animation I want to do for a website which involves fading
> a
> photo  gradually (I assume by increasing opacity of a layer or decreasing
> opacity of layer containing photo) and replacing it with text (by
> increasing
> opacity of layer containing text?) And then this text will be a link to a
> web page.
> I have no idea how to do this. I am a total amateur looking to learn this
> slick
> little trick.I am new to Gimp but learning. Can you help me please?
> Andrea
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