On 8/24/06, graffoo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Just noticed that when you have something selected, switch to the paths
tab and Shift+Click on the Selection to Path button - you will see a
bunch of options, try to play with them...
Thank you for all the input, and sorry for the late reply..

The shift+click on the selection to path button didn't improve my
results. I found that the only way to get good anti aliasing (AA) is
to use the selection to path, and then adjust the path manually. So i
am probably left without a automatic AA tool...?

I have also tried the quick mask and then blur. The result is OK, but
i think it lacks the quality of AA, because it does not mix/blend the
pixels on sharp edges totally to the background, like AA would do. I
had no luck with enhance despeckle..


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