Mirageii wrote:
copyright (c) symbol is supposed to be Alt+0169, according to Windows
Character Map, but in the GIMP Text Editor box, where you type in your text,
pressing Alt+0169 yields absolutely nothing, no response.  It simply doesn't
You have to use the numbers on the keypad, not the numbers in the row 
above the letters on your keyboard.  If you are using a laptop, there 
should be a function key that swaps 7,8,9,u,i,o,j,k,l,m (your keypad 
number set might be on different letters) into numbers.  So you have to 
activate the swap function (on my laptop this is fctn+f11), then type 
alt+0169, then turn the swap function off (fctn+f11).
It works fine when you do it that way:  ©


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