Helen wrote:
Is anyone able to recommend the best (or a good) printer
for a Gimp user on a Linux (SuSE) system?  I want good
quality prints, with good color.  Cost is a factor, but
is not the most important factor.  Gimp is the only
photo-editing program I use, but I don't have to use
Gimp for printing.  I could learn to use Scribus for
printing, if that's recommended.
Thanks for any help with this.

Helen, using GIMP 2.2.9, SuSE 10
see my photos at  http://www.flickr.com/photos/ettervor/

Gimp uses Gimp-Print for printing so if you see the list of supported printers at the Gimp-Print website (use Google to search for Gimp-Print to find the URL of the site), you can find a printer that suits your needs best. :)

Good luck!


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