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Thanks for every answers I got.

There are clearly two problems there:

- - Sony problem: I cant display them on my camera. Well, it doesn't
matter that much. I've seen this problem referenced on the web and it
looks like there is a program (windows only, unfortunately) to correct
this. Called TV <something> (cant remember and I'm off-line now).

Joao S. O. Bueno Calligaris a écrit :
> On Saturday 03 December 2005 06:44 am, Yannick Patois wrote:
>>When I hack a picture taken with my sony-dsc-s80 camera with the
>>gimp, if I export in jpg, I cant read its format any more (the
>>camera display "file error" instead of the hacked content).
> I do not know about the machinne, but as for the 'digital picture 
> printer' - I bet you ghave named your files as '.jpeg' , haven't you?
> It happens taht someone, when doing some spec for digital photo 
> standards, has said that valid file extensions are ".JPG" and 
> ".jpg" (but not .jpeg) - I hads thei problem onde as well.

For the second problem (more important), that I wasn't able to print my
pictures, it seems that first I really have to name them dscxxxx.jpg
(xxxx being 4 numbers). I have been successful with at least one with this.

I'll have a deeper look to see if there are any other point to consider
in a week or so.

Thanks for your attention.


PS: The version of Gimp I used was the 2.2 provided under Debian
testing, on ia32 platform.

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 _/ Yannick Patois _________________ Address (home) __________________
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