On 10/26/05, Gary Montalbine wrote:
> Attached is one that will not open. I downloaded it from my camera using
> Gthumb. It opens in Gthumb and a couple of other viewers. Some older
> jpgs do open. I have no error messages. The cpu goes to 100% usage and
> stays there. The only way I can stop it is to close Gimp. I was using
> version 2.2 when the problem started. I then went to 2.3 thinking it
> might then load. I am using ML2006 and xorg6.9. I never had a problem
> with 2005 and xorg 6.8.
> Does Gimp have a plugin I could use to download from the camera?
> Gimp does preview the jpg when I access the file. It just won't load.
> Gary

Gary, the file you sent opened with no problems no my version of Gimp
(2.2.8 from a Debian package). I guess there is a problem with your
version of Gimp (or something it uses).

Bruno de Oliveira Schneider
Gimp-user mailing list

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