Jad Madi wrote:
how to create curve corners with Gimp like these ones
please advise.
The most straightforward way that come to my mind is the following:
1 - Place 2 crossed guides at the centre of you image. This will define
the centre of the four corners.
2 - Create a round selection centered on this point:
2a - In the tool options (should be located under the tools, if not,
double-click the ellipse selection icon to make them appear), set the
following: check antialiasing, uncheck the two other ones. Then in the
drop-down menu, select "fixed size". Set the width and height to the
double of the curvature radius you want (i.e. the double of the width
and height of the rounded corner, e.g. 2*10 = 20).
2b - Click on the intersection of the two guides and drag. A round
selection of required size appear. To have in centred on the guides,
press CRTL. Now release the mouse click.
3 - Fill it with the desired colour: Select a foreground colour by
double clicking on the foreground colour icon in the toolbox. Choose the
new forground colour. Then drag and drop the foreground colour from the
toolbox (or from the coulour selector window) to the image. press
CTRL+SHIFT+A to unselect.
4 - select the corner (=1/4 of the disc):
4a - Select the retangle selection tool, and choose "fixed size",
with the width you have decided for you corner image (in our example, 10).
4b - Click on the image, on the intersection as before and drag
towards the top left. A square selection will appear defining the top
left corner.
5- create an image from it: press CTRL-C, and then right click on the
image and choose Edit->Paste as new.
6- repeat steps 4b and 5 for the three other corners. You now have four
images, each for one corner. You can also just use one image and rotate
it 90° (Image->Transform->Rotate 90° CW) to generate the three others.
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