On 9/10/05, Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> "Leeuw van der, Tim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Now my confusion is that I do find an image-scale function but that
> > doesn't allow for interpolation; I do find a function that allows
> > for interpolation: drawable-transform-scale. But that function seems
> > to be about transforming a region of an image, not the whole
> > image...
> gimp-drawable-transform-scale[-default] scales the full drawable, not
> a region of it. I think you misinterpreted the API.

BTW, Drawable refers to a layer, AFAIK.  Can't remember if that's the
proper translation of the term, but that's what I've been
"interpreting" it as, and it works fine for me on single-layered

> > (If I don't get a reasonably workable and simple answer then I think
> > I'll just have to cook up something in Python using PIL and forego
> > the quality interpolation that GIMP has when scaling an image -- I'm
> > quite familiar with Python; but there's no Python for my win-gimp so
> > I'll have to use scheme for GIMP scripting)
> The development version of GIMP has Win32 support for gimp-python.
> Sven
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