On 8/29/05, Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > For the current Colors menu, the strings to paste into the
> > paperproto dialog are (copy and paste the whole block):
> If you use the menu labels you imply that the user knows what the
> filters behind these names do. Otherwise you are just sorting the
> terms, not the actual meaning. We should try to avoid that and let
> users sort cards that have a short description of the filter instead
> of asking them to sort the menu labels.
> But certainly your card-sorting prototype can already help the way it
> is. It just requires experienced gimp users.

This'd require the cards supporting a non \n seporator (not hard) but
one'd have to worry about e.g. word wrapping and font size (possible,
but would take a bit of time.

 - Just my two cents
 - No man is an island, and no man is unable.
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