On 8/13/05, sam ende <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Saturday 13 August 2005 20:35, Al Bogner wrote:
> > That is the key-question. I need a tool which does perfect rendering,
> > when transitions are created or the motion of the still images is
> > rendered.

Are you kidding?  If you compress ANY MOVIE in MPEG, H.264, or WMV,
you are still going to get artifacts; there is no such thing as
perfect rendering.  If you want "perfect rendering", you have to use
an uncompressed AVI, which takes up a couple hundred MB for a couple
seconds of footage.

You may want IMGCON for that: http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/~yongyue/imgcon.html

BTW, Try looking in the archives for the POV-Ray lists
(www.povray.org) -- since their animation features generate a series
of still PNGs, this is exactly the kind of utilities that they need. 
Look in the archives of binary utilities; they're scattered in various
odd messages there.

If you're looking for transitions or moving still images, I highly
suggest you get some movie editing software, such as the Windows Movie
Maker bundled with XP, or Pinnacle Studio 9 (http://pinnaclesys.com/).
 To be honest, GIMP, while it can do these things, it is not
necessarily the best or quickest or easiest way to do these things --
I mean, at 30 frames per second, does anyone really have the space to
edit each of those frames with a picture editor (even with automated
tools)?  The most I've ever done in Gimp to date is 90 frames, or 3
seconds... [This was a few days ago.]

> have you seen cinelerra ?
> http://heroinewarrior.com/cinelerra.php3, it's something i'm looking into
> but i need a differnt video card first.

Last I checked, that required a heck of a lot of CPU...

 - Just my two cents
 - No man is an island, and no man is unable.
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