On Monday 11 July 2005 16:13, Sven Neumann wrote:
> Hi,
> Jonathan Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I have a first-time question.  In general terms, how can I change
> > all the pixels of one colour within a hand-drawn selection into
> > another colour ?
> Edit->Fill with FG Color
> The fact that you find it easier to ask this on a mailing-list than
> to locate it in the user interface makes me wonder if we have any
> chance at all to provide a somewhat intuitive user interface.
Do not despair, Sven - the question is about "one color within a 
selection" - not the whole selection.

You have to further trim down your selection, by using the selection 
by color and clicking on the desired color.
In order for the new selection to be within the original selection, 
you have to use the "select by color" tool in the "intersection mode" 
- click on the fourth mode icon, at the top of the tool options 
dialog, afeter picking the  "select by color" tool - check the tool 
tip to see if it is intersect selection.

Then click on the desired color - voilá: only the pixels of taht color 
that were inside the original selection are selected now, and this is 
time to "Edit->fill with FG color"

If you will be needing the original selection again, tehn you willhave 
to save it to a channel before doing the select by color step. 
To do that, go to Selection->save to channel .
Tehn. find the layers dialog, and click again to activate the layer 
you were editing, else, the channel were thev selection has been 
saved to  will be the active drawable, and proceed with the selection 
by color. After you are done, go to the channels dialog, and follow 
the instructions on the tooltips of the buttons at the botton to 
restore your selection.

> Sven
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