my options are tiff, jpg and pdf.  Of possible interest is that if I read in (using TC set to 400mb) one of the big tiff's, write it back out as a xcf (GIMP native), set the TC up to 600, read back the xcf, and it still crashes with the same errors.

why doesn't GIMP like TIFF?

Quoting Carol Spears <


> On Sat, Apr 23, 2005 at 08:03:07PM -0600, jim feldman wrote:
>> I'm working with scanned medium format film images that are TIFF's of 100MB
>> each.  The GIMP environment is gimp 2.2.6 (built from ports about a
>> week ago)
>> on FreeBSD 5.3 Release.  The display is a Linux (RH9) box.  The tiff's are
>> created by vuescan on linux.
> i am curious if you have other file format options.  just because the
> gimp can open and save as tiff does not mean that it likes to do this.
> can you make your scans directly into png and see if you still have the
> same problems?
> carol

my options are tiff, jpg and pdf.  Of possible interest is that if I read in (using TC set to 400mb) one of the big tiff's, write it back out as a xcf (GIMP native), set the TC up to 600, read back the xcf, and it still crashes with the same errors.

why doesn't GIMP like TIFF?

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