
Gert Cuykens wrote:
> yes, except why does flatten image don't show the same prompt menu as
> merge visible layers ?
> expanded as necessary
> clipped to image
> clipped to bottom layer
> what do does options mean ?
Merge down and Merge visible layers merge several layers, but can
leave other layers untouched. Thus, when you are merging more
than one layer, you have a number of ways to do it - the new
layer can be limited by the size of the image, by the size of the
bottom layer, or by the union of all of the layers being merged
(expand as necessary).

Flatten image performs another operation - it removes all of the
layers (visible or not) and replaces them with one layer, which
does not have any transparency. Any transparency in the
projection is combined with the background color.

        David Neary,
        Lyon, France
CV: http://dneary.free.fr/CV/
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