
Richard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> When shooting, via my Nikon Coolpix 950 digital camera, I set the
> setting for picture resolution to FINE, Then to HI HI setting is
> .tiff Non-compression.
> However, there seems to be a problem when loading the .jpeg (fine)
> into Gimp it shows a size of 22.2 x 16.7 inches, when loaded the
> .tiff file, it shows a size of 5.3 x 4.00 inches.

Where's the problem? It appears that your camera is setting a
different print resolution for the different formats. That is somewhat
unusal but since the print resolution is just some meta information I
don't see any problem with that. The only thing that counts here is
the number of pixels your image has.

> and I get a error message:
> {{{ DSCN0505.TIF: unknown field with tag 34665 (0x8769) encountered }}}

Which isn't an error but just an informative message telling you that
the camera is using some proprietary TIFF tags that GIMP and libtiff
don't recognize. So there might be some information there that is
being lost when you open the file in GIMP and save it again.

> And shouldn't the .tiff file be allot bigger than the fine .jpeg file???

Well, isn't it? Looking at the print size doesn't make any sense since
it depends on the print resolution that is being set. Instead, check
out how many pixels there are.

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