On Tue, Nov 02, 2004 at 12:25:00AM -0800, Gezim Hoxha wrote:
> Thanks for taking the time to do this Carol, I really
> appreciate it :)
> --- Carol Spears <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
well, thanks for the thanks.  i am not so good with that, it seems.

in truth, however, these handful of tutorials were nothing to produce
compared to the efforts of the developers who have been writing this
thing for so many years.

in the gimp source, there is a file called the Changelog.  this file
tells who should really be thanked.  those people, smart and
industrious, have been working diligently to compete with well paid
programmers and with to compete on unforgiving to volunteer operating
systems -- for whatever personal reasons they have.

i am only sorry that i do not have more knowledge and ability to show
off more of their efforts.

these guys handle their public directly.  i am always wanting to suggest
that people who want gimp to run like other software -- that they go see
how far their opinions get and who answers their emails and such from
these other apps pampered programmers.  my theory is that they would not
get very far through the corporate email and what-have you.

anyways, not enough thanks are given to these people (rude and arrogant
as they can seem and well, actually be at times) who are writing this
stuff.  and, i am not real certain how to thank them; staying out of
their way only goes so far for this ....


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