
I am trying to run a script I used with gimp 1.2 under the new Gimp 2.0 (which 
I love, by the way), and it stops with the following error:

Error while executing
(script-fu-menu-items "/home/rabbit/hv/design/menu_items/" 
"-b&h-lucida-medium-r-normal-*-*-140-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1" TRUE TRUE)
ERROR: unbound variable (errobj for-each)

The error message gives me the impression that the for-each construct is 
somehow not supported anymore in Script-fu/scheme. Can anyone confirm this? 
If so, what is the alternative?

I'm using Debian unstable on linux-x86.

Thanks in advance,

The function in which the error occurs (slightly trimmed) follows. I added the 
"Here x" messages to try to narrow down the location of the error, but now I 
get the following behavior:
1) error message
2) message "Here 2"
3) message "Here 1"

This order makes no sense to me at all. Can anyone shed some light on this?

(define (script-fu-menu-items path font normal hi)
        (gimp-message "Here 1")
        (let* (
                        (items (list
                                '("Home" "home_en" 0)
                                ; ... and a whole lot more of these
                        (i 0)
                (gimp-message "Here 2")
                        (lambda (x)
                                (if (= normal TRUE)
                                (let ((img (script-fu-menu-item (car x) font FALSE 
(caddr x) FALSE)))
                                        ; save as (string-append path (cadr x) ".gif")
                                        (file-gif-save 1 img (car 
(gimp-image-get-active-layer img)) 
(string-append path (cadr x) ".gif") (string-append (cadr x) ".gif") 0 0 0 0)
                                        (gimp-image-delete img)
                                        (set! i (+ i 1))
                                (if (= hi TRUE)
                                (let ((img (script-fu-menu-item (car x) font TRUE 
(caddr x) FALSE)))
                                        ; save as (string-append path (cadr x) 
                                        (file-gif-save 1 img (car 
(gimp-image-get-active-layer img)) 
(string-append path (cadr x) "_hi.gif") (string-append (cadr x) ".gif") 0 0 0 
                                        (gimp-image-delete img)
                                        (set! i (+ i 1))
                (gimp-message "Here 3")
                (gimp-message (string-append (number->string i) " menu items created 
saved to `" path "'."))
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