
Alan Horkan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Perhaps if voting was allowed on Gimp bugs in bugzilla it would
> become apparent which features are really most important to users?

It just doesn't work that way. The developers know quite well what
features are most requested but that doesn't necessarily make them sit
down in their free time and implement them. The weight that a
particular feature request gets depends a lot on who asks for it. If
someone who has contributed in whatever way to The GIMP project asks
for a certain feature, chances are that it will get done that very
day. If thousand anonymmous cowarsds at slashdot break out in
flame-baits about how sucky the user interface is, that will likely
turn any developer down enough to not write a single line of code.

There has to be a certain fun part about hacking a feature. Let me
give you an example. Jimmac and Tigert sat down yesterday and created
a mockup of how an improved "File New" dialog could look like. It has
been a pleasure for me to implement this mockup for them or, thanks to
IRC even with them.

If you want to see a certain area of a free software project to be
improved, you can of course attempt to draw developer's attention on
that area by pointing at it over and over again. This may work but
it's not likely that it will unless you give your voice some weight. A
well-done argumentation is a good start. Detailed suggestions (like a
dialog mockup or other proposals) get you a good deal further. Being
known as a contributor (not necessarily of code) probably gets you the
most extra points.

> Would it be acceptable to start a meta bug that that tried to group
> bugs that users familiar with Adobe Photoshop find particularly
> annoying?

All these requests and meta tracking bugs, voted or not, won't change
the fact that some volunteer developer needs to sit down and write the
code. That someone needs motivation. Adding yet another tracking bug
surely won't hurt but I don't see it motivating anyone.

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