
Sabine Cretella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi, maybe my question is one of the most simple ones, but being my
> first steps with gimp I have no idea on how to proceed. I am not even
> an experienced user of PaintshopPro or other software like this.
> 1st problem:
> I have a *.gif file with white background and black and red graphics
> on it. Now I need a transparent background to be able to adapt this
> graphic to any webpage as backgrounds will have changing colours.
> Could you please tell me how to reach this? Is there an
> online-resource somewhere?

There are two even:


> And as we are talking about this: is there some kind of glossary for
> English/German/Italian around, just to be sure to use the right terms.

You could use the GIMP translation files that you will find in he po
directory of the GIMP source code. Or you could change your locale and
look at GIMP in english, german and italian.

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