
"Eric Pierce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I think I found a little problem with assigning shortcuts on 1.3.20.
> Try this:
> On an image window, click the "View" drop down menu.  Now place the cursor
> over an item  -  I did "Shrink Wrap".
> Now I type "f" to assign it as a shortcut key to "Shrink Wrap", but before
> the shortcut saves, the "Display Filters" windows (which has "f" as a
> mneumonic) comes up, and the keyboard shortcut is never assigned.

This is a known problem and there's a report about it on bugzilla. It
has been reassigned to GTK+ but basically the ball is back to us. We
will have find a way to disable mnemonics (temporarily?) or (better)
add a menu shortcut editor. Perhaps similar to the menu editor in
gnome-terminal (and probably other GNOME2 apps).

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