I use gimp 1.3.14 on a fairly regular basis.  I have not printed with or tried the scanner.  However,  I like the look of it.  And it seems fairly stable to me.

John Culleton wrote:
On Sunday 17 August 2003 14:13, Daniel Carrera wrote:
Hi all,

After much struggle, I am finally subscribed to the list (could someone
check on mailman, I think it's acting up).

In any event, I am a (somewhat) experienced GIMP user who is currently
forced to use a Solaris box with no GIMP.

This is a "pristine" system, with no glibs, no gtk+, nothing.  I do have
GNU tools though.  I was wondering how stable 1.3 is right now.  Is it
good enough for daily use?

Gimp 1.3 and Xsane don't cooperate. Gimp 1.2 and Xsane do. 


John Culleton
Gimp-user mailing list


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