On Wed, 2003-08-06 at 14:00, Eric Pierce wrote:
>  >This should be easy, but I just can't think how to do it.
>  >
>  >All I want to create is a radial burst.  Sharp black and white lines
>  >evenly spaced emanating from the center.
>  >
>  >Exactly like the old Japanese flag but without the circle in the middle.
>  >See here:
>  >http://www.japanorama.com/images/navy_army_ww2_flag.gif
>  >
>  >I've been wracking my brains for the last several hours, and digging
>  >through the plug-ings, but I can't come up with anything.  It seems like
>  >it'd be so easy...

If I understand what you're asking here (which sounds sort of like a
spoked wheel), GFXShapes can do this for a half circle.  It's the "Fan"
shape without the tail (aka "grip").  Just create a new layer with a
fan, duplicate, flip the dup vertically and then align the bottoms.  You
might want to clip the bottom of the half circle to remove the edge
before you dup the layer.

You can use GFXLayers to align the two layers exactly using point and
click.  I find myself using GFXLayers all the time - something I didn't
expect I would be doing when I wrote it.

These are part of the Graphics Muse Tools CD.  You can find info on it
on my web site:
Michael J. Hammel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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