On Wed, 2003-06-04 at 22:31, David selby wrote:

> However if I draw in gimp and save as png, all is ok in linux browsers
> (all of them!) but it does not work in IE
> Any ideas how to streamline this so I can save from gimp and it all work ?

IE on windows doesn't render RGBA PNGs properly (unless you want to use
this kludge:
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q294714). You
can use 1bit transparency PNG similar to what GIF provides. In GIMP
index the colors before saving as PNGs (You don't need to do this for
GIFs, because Gimp does it for you, GIFs can't be RGBA).


Jakub Steiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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