Thanks for the feedback.  I'll definitely take another look at dual Athlons.

I still have some questions, though.

Is Intel's 533 MHz fsb a real advantage?  Or only with certain kinds of RAM?  Some 
benchmarks show the Athlon is a real fast cruncher, so for most things it probably 
gives you the most bang for the buck. Btw did anybody see the review of AMD's Barton 
chip at Ace's? (  --yea! Pricewar!) . 
They used a Photoshop benchmark and the P4 3.06 GHz was best at most but not all 
filters.  Ace's said that Photoshop had been optimized for SMP and hyperthreading. 
Would that be true of Gimp?  I'd think stuff like Gaussian blur would be the same or 
similar.  Dang I wish they'd use Gimp for some benchmarks.  

Loading up on RAM I know is good, but which kind? RDRAM, DDRAM, DRDRAM, SDRAM,  DDR 
SDRAM--ECC or not?--ack!--just give me speed, reliablity and let me keep my shirt.  

Even with a couple gigs of RAM I'm going to be swapping.  Is an SCSI drive worth the 
extra price?  I'm thinking no because I can get a 7200rpm ide for $40, or a 10K RPM 
IDE drive at a fair price, but if somebody has good things to say about their 15K SCSI 
I'd like to hear it.  Do better latency and seek time make much of a difference?  Are 
the 15Krpm Cheetah's and Fujitsu's really as quiet as the reviewers say?  What's the 
optimal balance between transfer rate and access time for working on large .xcfs?

Finally, would a smaller main drive (with / /usr /home /tmp and swap) be faster?  I 
was thinking it would be most efficient to have a small fast drive with a second, 
larger drive for storage.  Am I wrong to suppose a large main drive would slow me 
down?  Does putting the swap on the first sector still matter, or have advances in 
hard disk technology made this inconsequenstial?

Thanks again.



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