Keith Athey wrote:

> Tom,
> Could you list a few of the sites you liked for downloading windoze tffs?

I've been downloading my Windows TTFs from
(  They sell the fonts on  a CD but you can
download them individually, as I have been doing.

When you go to that site, click on "Enter here" and NOT "PCFonts" or "Mac
fonts" as you will be directed to some other site.

If interested, I can send you samples of some of these fonts IN USE in an
"Alien Glow" Script-Fu logo that I can create as a demo
(Xtns/Script-Fu/Logos/Alien Glow).

I use these fonts in GIMP 1.2.3 on Linux (2.4.20 kernel) and XFree86 4.2.1.

Good luck!  :)



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