John Culleton wrote:
Iam also intrested on usiong gimp as printing graphic soft. Where i can find pbm or pnm. And how to do it.On Wednesday 25 December 2002 02:36, sam ende wrote:i need to convert an xcf)from rgb to a cymk tif (for commercial printing) image, how do i do this best ? thanks sammi _______________________________________________ Gimp-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a free program pnmtotiffcmyk in the pbm pack of conversion programs. Save your gimp image as pnm first of course. When I used it on a photo the colors were a bit duller.
I can not wait untill 2010 to wait gimp supporting CMYK, if GIMP want to beat PS, the first target is supporting CMYK.
Bajing Loncat Studio Illustrator [personal website] [Bajing Loncat Studio website]
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