Have you looked at Panorama Tools?
they have a gimp plugin and also a stand alone java app,
very cool byt hard too get a handle on .
hope this helps 

On Thursday 07 March 2002 09:30, you wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am a reletive newcomer to GIMP.  I have searched the Manual and the
> plugin registry to see if anything like this has already been done, but
> without success.  So I'm asking if anyone out there can help or point me
> in the right direction.
> ============
> I am in the process of archiving my collection of 300 or so vinyl
> records.  This includes recording them digitally, filtering out clicks,
> rumble, etc. and burning to CD.  I am also scanning the covers, labels
> and inserts and burning them on a second session of the CD.  And so the
> whole record and packaging is preserved for posterity.
> ============
> The average album cover is over 12 inches square while my (average)
> scanner can only handel about 8.5 x 11.  So each side must be scanned as
> four separate quadrants and then be merged back into one image.
> I have been using GIMP to reassemble the images with excellent results.
> The problem is that it is taking me several days to complete each
> images.  Do the math, and it will take me several years to complete
> this.  I'm sure the process could be made faster with a little help from
> the experts :-).
> ===========
> Why does it take so long just to load two images, move layer and
> flatten?  Well...
> -) The layers must line up pixel-perfect.  Album covers were printed
> with the same technology which prints pictures in the newspaper using
> different sized dots of color to create a grayscale.  If these tiny dots
> don't line up perfectly then you get an interferience pattern visable
> from across the room.
> -) After 30-40 years, the album covers are no longer square.  So the one
> image is usually rotated slightly from the other and must be corrected.
> It takes me 2-3 tries to get this right.
> -) Since the scanner performs a new gamma correction on each scan, one
> image is usually lighter than the other and must be brightness/contrast
> corrected.  It can take a few tries to get this right.
> -) Publishers tended to cram the backs of album covers with very fine
> text.  This means a resolution of 600ppi to adaquately reproduce.  At
> that resolution the images are quite large and it can take two minutes
> for each of the steps above to be performed.  And reset.  And tried
> again.  Point is, everything happens real slow.  Nothing happens in
> real-time.
> ======================
> I would like to start with a GIMP file containing a background and a
> second layer.
> I would like to identify eight pixels within this file:
> 1) A pixel from the top/left of the background
> 2) That same pixel from the top/left of the layer
> 3) A pixel from the bottom/right of the background
> 4) That same pixel from the bottom/right of the layer
> 5) A light pixel from the background
> 6) That same light pixel from the layer
> 7) A dark pixel from the background
> 8) That same dark pixel from the layer
> I would then like to feed those eight pixel coordinates into a Script-Fu
> which would then automaticly perform the translation, rotation, contrast
> and brightness corrections.  I could then give eyeball approval, flatten
> and save.
> =====
> That all being said, what do I need?
> 1) Has any of this been done already?  For example, does anyone know of
> a Script-Fu which does the translation/rotation bit and I would only
> have to add the contrast calculations to it.  It's always easier to edit
> than to create :-).
> 2) How do you get the RGB value of the pixel the cursor is pointing at?
> I assume it is possible...
> 3) Given the last four pixels listed above, just what are the equations
> used to calculate the brightness/contrast adjustments needed to
> equalise?
> Thanks in advance for all your help.
> Bob Washburne
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