In Win Gimp, one has to download a plug-in from outside the country (for copyright 
reasons) in order to handle gif files.  --Calvin

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of John
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 12:12 PM
To: Rich Shepard; Carol Spears
Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] Re: Really easy newbie questions (I hope)...

On Thursday 31 January 2002 11:19, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Thu, 31 Jan 2002, Carol Spears wrote:
> > On 2002-01-31 at 0124.38 -0800, Doris Philastre typed this mail:
> > > Okay, I created an image in GIMP that has no background for use on a
> > > web site. I saved it as a .psd file because GIMP doesn't support .gif.
> Doris/Carol,
> > sounds like you need to install the non-free GIMP.  i am not sure how
> > your distribution handles this, but the gif libraries need to be special
> > requested to keep the developers out of jail.  same with tiff format.
>   PMFJI, but I didn't see the beginning of this thread. I'd like to
> contribute two thoughts:
>   1)  Use your image in JPEG (.jpg) format on your web page. That's what
> we've done (URL is in the sig, below) and it works very well. This avoids
> the patents and other legal issues associated with GIF. I don't think that
> I have a single .gif left on our network. They've all been converted to
> either .jpg (for pictorial image files) or .tif (for spatial imagery data
> files).

Now I am totaly confused. My version of Gimp for Linux  1.2.2
seems to handle gifs both incoming and outgoing. So what is the 
patent/copyright  problem and why doesn't it affect ImageMagick equally
as much? 

John Culleton

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