To Jeff Jeter who has FreeBSD, be aware that the world of Linux is not RPM-bound. I use Gimp on my Slackware system derived from traditional tarballs. So if you scout around I suspect you can find a source tarball that will download, unpack and compile on your system.
And I know that spam filtering has been discussed before. But the latest digest is just too much. The offending message could have been filtered from the list on the basis of three dollar signs in a row. I cannot think of a legitimate message to this or any other list with such a string in it. If this continues I guess I will have to cease using the digest and get messages individually. I already filter for html and may as well filter for multiple dollar signs as well. -- John Culleton, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Able Indexers and Typesetters <------------------------------------> This Linux system at 8:45pm up 30 days 8 hrs 23 mins __________________________________________________ D O T E A S Y - "Join the web hosting revolution!" _______________________________________________ Gimp-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]