[EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-04-10 at 1216.26 -0400):
> > My (first) plugin crashes on this line:
> > plug_in_pixelize(1, $img, $draw, 10);

Have you tried "$draw->plug_in_pixelize(10);"?

> > How do I make it think that 1 and/or 10 are INT32's? I also tried this:
> > plug_in_pixelize(non_interactive, $img, $draw, 10);

non_interactive should be defined as the right value, probably 1. If
it is not, then it does not work.

> > I also tried this:
> > plug_in_pixelize("1", $img, $draw, "10");
> > and it really didn't like that.

The "" means string, not number.

> > I think that it is the 1, which I had hoped would mean non_interactive.

1 is non_interactive, IIRC.

> > But I am not certain of this. I can't think of an existing plug in using
> > the pixilize plugin, or I would have checked there.

Grep is you friend. Go to the dir where the Perl scripts are (the same
than the plugins, no the scripts dir), and "grep pixilize *". And the
ones I see use things like "$drawable->plug_in_pixelize($blocksize);".

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