On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 7:46 PM, Damian <damian.o...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 6:00 PM, Dirk Heinrichs
> <dirk.heinri...@online.de> wrote:
>> Am Sonntag 14 Februar 2010 16:48:00 schrieb Stroller:
>>> Is it possible that you & Dirk are using different versions of
>>> baselayout?
>> Yes, I am running OpenRC/BL2. I didn't even think for a second that somebody
>> could still be using BL1, sorry for that ;)
> Ok, I just thought that there might be an easy way in (my loved)
> gentoo to start daemon/service X whenever Y is started.
> So I'll try upgrading to baselayout 2, and I'll see what happens.
A*fter a long time I've found some free time to migrate to baselayout 2.

After upgrading and reading through
http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/openrc-migration.xml, I created a file
named '/etc/conf.d/mpd' and I added the line:
as described in '/etc/rc.conf'.

And that was it! Now mpdscribble gets started whenever I start mpd
(and this way all the Britney Spears songs I play will be sent to
libre.fm, weee!).

Thanks a lot for your help.

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