----- Original Message ----
From: Dale<rdalek1...@gmail.com>
To: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org
On 02/26/2010 06:06 AM, BRM wrote:
I am quite happy with KDE4 - presently using KDE 4.3.5. I still have KDE
3.5.10 installed, and am wondering how much longer I need to keep it around...I
probably use all KDE4 apps, though there might be a few here or there that I use
on a rare occasion that are still KDE3 based...may be...and no, I don't plan on
using KDE Sunset Overlay[1]
Any how...I'm wondering what the best method to remove KDE3.5 safely is:
1) Just leave it and may be it'll just get removed?
2) Found this entry on removing it
But nothing registers as a 'dup' even though qlist does show a lot of KDE
3.5.10 packages installed. (Yeah, I'd need to modify the line to ensure it
doesn't remove KDE 4.3.5).
3) Gentoo KDE4 guide suggests a method, but it seems to be more related to
removing KDE entirely...
If you keep your world file (/var/lib/portage/world) tidy, simply deleting all
lines with KDE3 packages and running emerge -a --depclean will take care of it.
You *do* keep your world file tidy, don't you? :P
That would be the easiest method. If you use the kde-meta package like I do,
just remove the one for KDE 3 and let --depclean do its thing. It should get
all of it.
I actually don't touch the world file, and just do the 'emerge world -vuDNa'
for updates.
> From my POV, that is emerge/Portage's job - not mine.
Aside from that, I'm not sure I have ever really run "emerge --depclean", but I
rarely uninstall anything, but don't install things left or right to try out
either, so
typically upgrades are all I need to do.
Having just done a compiler upgrade, I can say that there are roughly 1100
packages (emerge -eav) in world that were recompiled.
I was just contemplating - KDE4 is stable, and I don't see myself running KDE3
again; so why keep it around.
If 'emerge world -vuDNa' will remove it when it gets pushed off the main trunk,
then that's probably fine with me - since that seems to not be very far out now.
If not, then I definitely want to remove it now as there is no other reason for
keeping it around.
If you want to keep something tho, you need to add it to the world file first
and then run --depclean. That way it will keep the program(s) you want and the
things they depend on but remove everything else. This will save you from
having to reinstall those packages. You may even have to get them from the
overlay at that point. So don't uninstall something you want to keep.
That's the only issue. My only concern is software (e.g. KDevelop) that may not
have been updated to KDE4 yet. (Not a fan of KDevelop3; waiting to see how
KDevelop4 is going to shape up.)
If you have the drive space, you can leave it there for a while longer tho.
Just keep in mind that there are no security updates or anything like that. If
you add the overlay, you will get a few updates at least.
I do have the disk space on the systems I have KDE3 and KDE4 on; so that's not
a concern.