On 20 Feb 2010, at 16:45, Dan Johansson wrote:
If I start Amarok with the --debug flag I see the following output:
amarok: [EngineController] [WARNING!] Phonon failed to play this URL. Error:
"17:24:15: input_file: File not found:
file:///var/Music/mp3/Wilmer%20X/Den%20bl%C3%83%C2%A5%20v%C3%83%C2%A4gen%20hem%20-%20En%20samling/06%20-%20Teddys%20rum.mp3 <
--------------------------------------------------8 <-------------------------------------

The file is there:
$ ll /var/Music/mp3/Wilmer\ X/Den\ blå\ vägen\ hem\ -\ En\ samling/ 06\ -\
Teddys\ rum.mp3
-rwxr--r-- 1 dan users 5645291 Jul 2 2002 /var/Music/mp3/Wilmer X/ Den bl??
v??gen hem - En samling/06 - Teddys rum.mp3

Have you even tried copying this file to the current working directory and naming it with no non-English characters?

Try a foo.mp3 file with no tags. Does it work?


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