On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 06:42:40AM -0500, Philip Webb wrote:
> > Which copy+paste? high-light with mouse and middle click to paste?
> Yes: are there other methods ? -- it also doesn't work
> if I high-light with 'v' & the (left-)arrow key(s).

In Gnome at least you can high-light with mouse, right click, hit
copy, and go to another window, right click, and hit paste....

Is visual mode even suppose to work for this purpose? I don't think
hitting v and moving left and right is suppose to dump the selected
sections into the copy-paste buffer. 
> > Can you copy and paste from (g)vim to another Konsole?
> Yes, no problem.
> > To any other application?
> Yes, to Leafpad, Kwrite, (Xfce) Terminal & Xterm.

So basically the problem is OO then. Can you copy and paste from other
applications to OO?

Perhaps it is a problem with encodings? Years ago I had trouble
occasionally when I try to copy and past stuff from Firefox to Vim in
a rxvt terminal. Then I found out the hiccup is due to 'proper'
apostrophes, commas, and en- and em-dashes. Unicode characters does
not want to be pasted into a non-unicode terminal. 

try emerging (if you don't have it installed already) the little
program 'xsel'. You can use it to manipulate the selection buffers.
Try trouble shooting with it to see what the problem is. 



Willie W. Wong                                     ww...@math.princeton.edu
Data aequatione quotcunque fluentes quantitae involvente fluxiones invenire 
         et vice versa   ~~~  I. Newton

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