dhk wrote:
> Alan McKinnon wrote:
>> On Friday 12 February 2010 00:58:52 dhk wrote:
>>> I put /usr/bin/java back the way it was.
>>> ln -s /usr/bin/run-java-tool /usr/bin/java
>>> I set the CLASSPATH, got it from java-config --runtime
>>> export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/opt/sun-jdk-
>>> /opt/sun-jdk-
>>> :
>>> /opt/sun-jdk-
>>> ts.jar
>>> Is it safe to set the CLASSPATH as follows?
>>> export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:`java-config --runtime`
>>> That seems to work too.
>>> I ran /opt/sun-j2ee-1.3.1/bin/j2ee and still got the errors.  It
>>> definately looks like the CLASSPATH, but what should it be?
>> I'm getting out of my depth here :-)
>> It's been a while since I used java to any extent, and things change rapidly 
>> in that arena. Perhaps you need a more java-specific forum, or wait for 
>> someone with a real clue to come along and read this thread.
> Well, thanks for your help.  I appreciate it.
> dhk

Ok, I think the problem is in the rt.jar file.  The beginning of the
error is as follows:

# /opt/sun-j2ee-1.3.1/bin/j2ee -verbose
J2EE server listen port: 1050
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:

However, the following command shows the IdentityHashtable in a
different location.

# jar tf /opt/sun-jdk- | grep "IdentityHashtable"

I think the difference is j2ee is looking for "IdentityHashtable" in
com/sun/corba/se/internal/util/IdentityHashtable but the jar file has it
in com/sun/corba/se/impl/util/IdentityHashtable.class .

Is this the problem?  If so haw can it be fixed?



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