On Wed, 10 Feb 2010 02:24:36 -0600, Dale wrote:

hal is a classic "Second System Effect" case
But I thought we thrashed this to death a while ago and all agreed to
never speak of this abomination again, while we await the Third
System Effect aka DeviceKit?
   From what I read it appears to be the same guy doing both.  Maybe,
just maybe, some lessons were learned and it will be a lot better.
Isn't that the point of redoing it? It's when someone else comes along
with  brand new way of doing things that we get a whole load of brand new

That was my point. I'm hoping he sees the "weaknesses" of hal and doesn't put those in devicekit. I'm hopeful it will be better not just the same old thing with a new name.

Speaking of improvements, I'll be glad when Seamonkey sorts out that top line up there. It appears that Seamonkey 2 still has a bug up its butt. lol


:-)  :-)

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