Neil Bothwick <> writes:

> On Thu, 4 Feb 2010 22:13:20 +0800, Leon Feng wrote:
>> I have seen this for weeks, but since I upgrade to portage-2.2* at the
>> same time, do not know whether it is related. My revdep-rebuild out is
>> listed below, anyone has a solution?
> Are you also running the testing gentoolkit? Otherwise you're trying to
> use the old revdep-rebuild wit the new portage, which may have
> unexpected consequences.
> Have you run lafilefixer --justfixit? This should always be the first
> step when revdep-rebuild reports problems.

You were speaking to Leon no me (The OP), but since my output was
identical, I'll report too:

I'm running ~x86 on everything and latest version of gentoolkit (I
don't have gentoolkit-dev installed)

I've emerged lafilefixer (thanks Steve) and ran  
   lafilefixer --justfixit

Then ran revdep-rebuild again.... it still finds  broken binutils so
I'm letting it `oneshot' the emerge.

Was the expectation that running `lafilefixer --justfixit' would stop
revdep-rebuild from continuously finding a broken binutils?

Or was I expected to run lafilefixer --justfixit  and then rebuild
binutils once more?

In any case I did the later and now the oneshot has finished and a
rerun of revdep-rebuild again finds the same `broken' binutils....

Apparently no progress has occurred..

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