>> It looks like my installed icedtea6-bin and sun-jdk are both depended
>> on by virtual/jdk-1.6.0.  I think I can choose one or the other,
>> right?  Does icedtea6-bin work as well as sun-jdk?
> You *should* be able to use either one. There is one (non-portage)
> java software I use that has problems with icedtea: it runs, but
> cannot play any sounds. sun-jdk does not have the problem.
> Pick one, set your java-vm to it, and you should be able to unmerge
> the other with no ill effects.

Has anyone else noticed differences between the two?  Has anyone tried
to print an international shipping label from usps.com with either?
The last time I tried with icedtea, it wouldn't work.

- Grant

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