On 19 Jan 2010, at 19:34, Grant wrote:
XP on a USB stick....  It sounds like a Windows machine is necessary
to build it, but once it's built it would be really handy.

I have found my attempts at building this or a CD-based PE very frustrating indeed. It seems like an awful lot of aggro when you could just download exactly the same thing that someone else has already built, if only the license permitted it.

Perhaps it's just seemed like a lot of work because it's never been a goal of mine to make a bootable Windows CD or USB stick - I've always been trying to build them in order to help me achieve some other goal, and it's been far more faffing about that I've been prepared to tolerate.

There used to be plenty of PE builds available by the usual pirate sites, but I have no idea whether that's still the case. I seem to be getting more efficient at not needing them.


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